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The cluster management team

The governance of the hospitality cluster is based on an Advisory Board and a management team based at

A dedicated team supporting innovative SMEs and start-ups

veronique renard hospitality

Véronique Renard

+32 2 800 00 68
Contact Véronique

siham lahdioui hospitality

Siham Lahdioui

Admin, Communication and Events Assistant
+32 2 800 08 47
Contact Siham


Frédéric Suche

International Consultant
+32 2 422 00 47
Contact Frédéric


Victoria Matgen

Project officer
Contact Victoria

The cluster Board

The cluster’s decisions and strategy are adopted by the Advisory Board (AB), which meets four times a year.

This Advisory Board is composed of private companies, federations and associations, academic and research institutions and representatives of public institutions.

The Advisory Board is a consultative body that helps the Brussels-Capital Region to guide its actions to promote the development of the Tourism, Events and Culture sector in its own areas of expertise: economic expansion, employment, scientific research, internationalisation, attraction of foreign investors, international relations, regional planning, environment, transport).

The Chairman of the Board is Mr Raphaël Remiche – COO of the company Tempora.

The Advisors to the Board

miguel van keirsbilck hospitality

Miguel Van Keirsbilck

Cross Over Innovation

2alain heureux 14mai20 768x543

Alain Heureux


ele profile 1 (1)

Eleonora Censorii

Destination Everywhere

frederic francois hospitality

Frédéric François


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Rodolphe Van Weyenbergh

Brussels Hotels Association

martin duchateau hospitality

Martin Duchateau

Made in Hotels

belpaire emilie

Emilie Belpaire

Ephec - tourism

anya diekmann

Anya Diekmann


isabelle cloquet hospitality

Isabelle Cloquet


simon desplanque hospitality

Simon Desplanque


raphael remiche hospitality

Raphaël Remiche


celine batteauw hospitality

Céline Batteauw

elisabeth van ingelgem hospitality

Elisabeth Van Ingelgem

philippe de wulf hospitality

Philippe De Wulf

VO group

didier boulvin

Didier Boulvin



Valérie De Ketelaere

Bazaar Trottoir

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Ranji Safarian

Edji Gallery

marc agboton

Marc Agboton


Role of the Chairman of the Board

  • To ensure the serenity and efficiency of the debates in order to achieve the objective sought by the Board’s organisation
  • To provide support for decision-making and action at the regional level
  • To ensure that meetings are held correctly
  • To review the agenda and minutes before sending them to the Advisors
  • To open and close sessions and ensure that the timing is respected

The mandate of Chairman is exercised free of charge. The term of office of the Chairman is set at two years, renewable once.